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Volunteer Voices is the members-only podcast from AAMV. In these conversations we’re going to be talking to volunteer managers, interns, volunteers, and all sorts of special guests. If you have feedback on the podcast, know someone we should talk to, or have a topic that you would like us to discuss, contact us: aamvmembership1@gmail.com

Episode Ten: Conference Special: AAM 2019

  • May 21, 2019: Richard Harker (AAMV President), Jenny Woods (AAMV Vice-President and Assistant Manager of Volunteer Programs at Seattle Art Museum), Renee Birk (Assistant Director, Guest Engagement, John G. Shedd Aquarium, Chicago), and Crystal Lee Stone (Assistant Manager of Volunteer Engagement at the Exploratorium, San Francisco) presented a session at the American Alliance of Museums (AAM) 2019 conference called, "Volunteer Recruitment, Retention, and Recognition: 60 ideas in 60 minutes." This is the extended recording of the session including audience Q&A with a room of over 100 volunteer managers in New Orleans. (Length 55:48 minutes). You can also access the Powerpoint slides and session handout

Episode Nine: Conference Special: SEMC 2018

  • December 2018: Emily Knight and Samantha Arceneaux, AAMV SE Regional Directors and Richard Harker, AAMV President and their colleague Glenna Barlow (Manager of Education at the Columbia Museum of Art in Columbia, SC) presented a session "How to Win Volunteers and Influence People" at the Southeastern Museums Conference (SEMC) annual meeting in Jackson, Mississippi in October 2018. This is the extended recording of the session including commentary, questions, and discussions with a packed room of volunteer managers. (Length: 78 minutes)

Episode Eight: Measuring the Strategic Impact of Volunteers

  • July 2018: The second interview in our series with Elisa Kosarin, volunteer management consultant, explores how to develop effective measures to demonstrate the impact of your volunteer program beyond the number of hours volunteers give to your institution. Read more about Elisa and her work at www.twentyhats.com

Episode Seven: Behavior-Based Interviewing 

  • February 2018: Elisa Kosarin, a consultant in the field of volunteer management, talks about her experiences working with volunteer managers and especially in helping them develop behavior-based interview questions. Read more about Elisa and her work at www.twentyhats.com

Episode Six: What's new at AAMV?

  • What's new at AAMV? Richard Harker, the new President of AAMV, talks about his experiences managing volunteers and what he sees as the strengths of AAMV and the organizations future goals and plans.

Episode Five: Perspectives from the American Alliance of Museums

  • Greg Stevens, Director of Professional Development at the American Alliance of Museums (AAM), reflects on what he has learned from working with volunteers throughout his career and through his work developing a partnership between AAM and AAMV.

Episode Four: When you're not the volunteer manager

Episode Three: Hearing from interns

  • Two former interns Ryan Meara, the Chicago History Museum, and Barrett Cooney, the Seattle Art Museum, shared their experiences as interns and what internship supervisors should know about hosting college students as interns.

Episode Two: Teen volunteer programs

Episode One: Using social media to recruit

  • Welcome to Volunteer Voices. Get to know Richard and Anna and hear about Anna's use of social media to recruit volunteers at the Newseum in Washington, D.C.
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