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Here are some things you can do as a volunteer manager during the COVID-19 pandemic

Keep your volunteers informed as your organization makes decisions relating to COVID-19.

  • Send information out in multiple formats, email, newsletter, phone calls, volunteer social media, text, etc.
  • Share the information your staff has received
  • Monitor email outside of business hours to be accessible to concerned volunteers

Suspend volunteer activities and encourage social distancing

  • Cancel or postpone trainings, meetings, appreciation events or any other volunteer gatherings
  • Cancel volunteer shifts or make attendance optional
  • Temporarily suspend tracking volunteer attendance requirements or required minimum shifts
Help keep volunteers safe
  • Update cleaning procedures for high touch areas for volunteers
  • Provide access/opportunities for volunteers to frequently wash hands
  • Provide hand sanitizer
  • Alter riskier volunteer roles (e.g. touch stations) to provide safer options
  • Check in with volunteers, particularly those who might be at high risk for severe illness. You can’t catch or spread COVID through a phone call!
Some useful resources: 

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