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AAMV Produces content to support the volunteer management community.

Here is a collection of material from webinars and conference sessions that will benefit our members:


  • Questions an Organization Should Ask When Transitioning a Volunteer Program - AAM 2023 (Slides) (Resources) Video is available to American Alliance of Museums members here
  • Ethics and Volunteerism: Roundtable Discussions on Current Issues - AAM 2022 (Resources and Discussion Prompts)
  • 4 Cs of Volunteer Engagement: Cycle, Communication, Coordination, Commendation - SEMC 2019 (Slides) (Addendum)
  • Recruitment, Recognition, and Retention: 60 ideas in 60 minutes - AAM 2019 (Audio) (Slides) (Handout)
  • How to Win Volunteers and Influence People - SEMC 2018 (Audio)
  • Internships for Small Museums - AAM 2017 (Slides) (Handout) (Resources)
  • Embracing the Power of College Interns as Volunteers - AAM 2016 (Handout)
  • Teen Volunteering - AAM 2016 (Resources)
  • Embracing and Harnessing the Power of Older Adult and Retiree Volunteers - AAM 2016 (Slides)


How to Manage Volunteers in Collections, 2023 (Video)

DEAI and Volunteers: Taking Action, 2022 (Video), passcode: &%qW=6e=

Somehow I Manage - Panel with the National Emerging Museum Professional Network, 2021 (Video)

Evaluating Volunteers and the Volunteer Program - 2017 (slides)

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