Previous Webinars
Bridging Staff and Volunteers
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A collaborative webinar exploring case studies and strategies for fostering better understanding and collaboration between staff members and volunteers they work with.
Creating Conference Proposals Slides
A collaborative webinar for creating conference proposals around topics participants would like to see addressed at upcoming conferences.
Volunteers in the Time of COVID
This webinar examines how volunteer programs are currently managing through the impacts of COVID, and also looks to the future with some predictions on what we can expect and how we can plan for the future now. This webinar was presented in conjunction with the Ohio Museums Association.
In partnership with the American Alliance of Museums (AAM), we have created a series of Webinars on different parts of managing a volunteer program. These are available to access from AAM’s Webinar Library.
Recruiting, Selecting and Placing Museum Volunteers
This webinar addresses key elements of recruiting, selecting and placing volunteers, from resources and strategies for articulating the benefits of volunteering and recruiting for diversity; to background checks, interviewing and placing volunteers, and saying “no.”
Supporting, Retaining, and Recognizing Volunteers
This webinar offers practical guidance on how to effectively support, retain and recognize volunteers as an essential part of maintaining your volunteer program, getting the most out of those who dedicate their time to your institution, and building a program that attracts new volunteers.
Training Museum Volunteers
This webinar addresses key elements of volunteer program staffing and management, including establishing policies and procedures, recruiting, training, coaching, ongoing professional development, and evaluation of volunteers and the program.