Kind strategies of how to address volunteers who may not be able to do the duties anymore

  • 13 May 2022 1:30 PM
    Message # 12779433
    Marne Bariso (Administrator)


    Looks like we are planning to resume a big portion of volunteer duties this fall.

    After 2 and 1/2 years of being largely on “pause”, we are estimating that some of our dear volunteers may be eager to resume their duties, but the months away have taken a toll, and they may not be able to perform their volunteer activism to the same degree as pre-pandemic.

    Could anyone share examples, or strategies of how to address this?

    I am a, shall we say,  seasoned, volunteer program manager (not a newbie), and fortunately have not had to address this issue much in my career.  But, I think it is going to come up as we gear up for (I hope) being a busier museum once again.

    I’m aware of the tried and true strategies of trying to fine a more appropriate duty, and maybe even pointing them to another organization; but with many staff still working a bit from home, and with more work done digitally, we don’t really have many (any?) admin. volunteer opportunities.

    Thanks, in advance, for your advice,     ~Marne Bariso, Chicago History Museum

  • 16 May 2022 4:47 PM
    Reply # 12782529 on 12779433
    Jenny Woods (Administrator)

    Hi Marne,

    I am wondering if you have an emeritus program for your volunteers? Something where they still get to be involved in the social /educational stuff, but dont have to fill a regular shift? Reminding folks of that option as you are starting the communications about brining volunteer back may allow some to self select that if it's the right next step for them.

    I have also had success in pairing a volunteer who wanted to stay involved with another volunteer so they do the job together. They can tag team on a tour, so they are each just needing to talk for 1/2 the time. Or we put someone who didnt use a computer with someone who did at the welcome desk. 


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